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Carl and Dayton

Meet Graduate Carl

Carl and yellow Lab Dayton sit at the stained windows of the State House in Boston

Graduate Team: Carl & Dayton
About the Team: Dayton, a male, yellow Lab is Carl’s 5th Guiding Eyes dog.
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Training: June 2024 Home Training

Carl was born in North Tonawanda, New York. However, at a very early age, his family moved to Massachusetts where he was raised. He pursued higher education in Boston, earning his B.A. degree in communications at Emerson College and his M.P.A. at Suffolk University. Carl has dual sensory losses of vision and hearing due to Usher Syndrome, a genetic disorder. This condition provides him with valuable insight into his work as the State House ADA Coordinator for the Bureau of the State House. His role is to ensure that all programs, services, and activities at the Massachusetts State House are fully accessible to people of all abilities. Carl is active in the guide dog community, serving as the President of a guide dog user group. Additionally, he serves as the Chair for an audio-description project for the American Council for the Blind. He is married to Megan, a college professor at Boston University, teaching writing and rhetoric. Carl’s interests include film, reading, and regular visits to Cape Cod.

How would you describe your guide dog? “Dayton is a very mature two-year-old guide dog. I am very impressed with his ability to work.  He is an inquisitive, intuitive, people watcher. He is a very smart boy with an incredible memory. He is safety-minded and will stop at all crosswalks even when I don’t need to stop.  When his harness is off and he’s not working, he loves to play. There is a nice balance between his ability to work and his time to play.”

What made you decide to apply for a guide dog from Guiding Eyes? “I originally heard about Guiding Eyes’ great reputation through an instructor who I had the pleasure of knowing. I learned how their guide dogs provided a great sense of independence, mobility, and freedom.”

How has having a guide dog impacted your life? “Having a guide dog opens up the world because, unlike a cane, the guide dog is a conversation starter. People are much more comfortable approaching me since having a guide dog.”

Were there any training highlights? “Kathy, my instructor, and I had a great time training. We enjoy working together. We worked hard and got the best out of Dayton. I have had 25 years of handling guide dogs but there is always something new to learn. One moment stood out during our training. A new juice bar opened up in my neighborhood. As part of the juice bar’s promotion, they had in front of the shop a huge inflatable Gumby figure that haphazardly moved its limbs. At first, Dayton was a bit startled, but he very quickly got over the ‘bouncy man’. During my ten days of training, we went on buses, subways, and escalators. Dayton handled everything well. Dayton’s puppy raiser, Dr. Fratantoni exposed him to the metro and buses in Maryland. She clearly did a great job in preparing him for his work duties. We have talked to each other since I received Dayton, so I have been able to provide that feedback to her.”

Meet Guide Dog Dayton

DOB:  5/15/2022
Litter ID: 8DD22
Color/Breed:  Yellow/Labrador
Gender: Male
Brood: Bonita
Stud: Donny
Littermates: Dream, Doug, Delta, Darby, Daryl, Donovan
Region:  Montgomery
Regional Puppy Instructor: Jeanyne Gembarski
Puppy Raiser:  The Fratantoni Family
Facebook: Montgomery Puppy Raisers

From the Puppy Raiser…

Dayton was our first GEB pup, and he was easy-going and loving from the start. Of all the commands he learned, his (unofficial) favorite was “cuddle.” He was smart, eager to please, and took to his training with dedication. He also knew how to have fun and loved a good game of fetch, chase, or a romp with our dog in the back yard. He was a joy to raise, and we are so very proud of the dog he has become. I’m thrilled that he has found a wonderful match with Carl.  ~Karen Fratantoni 

Photos of the Team…