
Guiding Eyes for the Blind 2023 Annual Report:

We are proud of the success that our organization and our thousands of supporters achieved in Fiscal Year 2023. In this Annual Report, you’ll learn how Guiding Eyes brought commitment and innovation to our tasks. With your help, we succeeded in pairing more of our beautiful dogs as life-changing gifts with individuals who are blind or have vision loss. We would not exist or be able to do what we do without our donors, and we are very thankful for your support.

Please click the button below to view the complete 2023 Annual Report. For a more accessible experience, download the PDF to your device.

A Proud Record of Fiscal Responsibility

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services assigned its ‘A-‘ issuer credit rating for Guiding Eyes for the Blind.

Guiding Eyes for the Blind is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Our tax identification number is 13-1854606.  It can cost up to $50,000 annually to train and care for a guide dog throughout its working lifetime with a person who is blind. The vast majority of our funding comes from contributions from friends and supporters who value the work we do to support blind men and women across the country and around the world. We work hard to put every charitable donation we receive to work directly for the students we serve.