
Irene and Timothy

Meet Graduate Irene

Irene and black Lab guide dog Timothy sit side by side for team portraitGraduate Team:  Irene and Timothy
About the Team:  Timothy: male black Lab; Irene’s 3rd Guiding Eyes dog
Hometown:  Westfield, Massachusetts
Training: November 2024 On-Campus

Irene retired in 2015 after fourteen and a half years working in various departments at the local Walmart. She is a lifelong resident of the Northeast, first living in Rhode Island and then in Massachusetts for the last 24 years. Irene and her husband live in a building that served their city as an elementary school for nearly a century and is a National Historic site. Irene’s daughter, son-in-law and 6-year-old grandson live close by, and on Sundays, Irene often babysits. She and her grandson enjoy their walks to a nearby playground.  They are often joined by her 5½-year-old great-grandson, and the boys treat each other like brothers and love playing together. Irene became a volunteer at the local Senior Center after her retirement until the pandemic but now enjoys being active in the Center’s exercise program. She also enjoys attending events at the local Women’s Club and spending time at home listening to audiobooks.

How would you describe your guide dog?  “Timmy is amazing, quiet and calm, and doesn’t bark.  He is such a love and a very good boy.  In harness, when I say, ‘go to curb,’ he slows down and stops to let me know we are there. He is spot on and touches my leg with his head when he knows we need to stop.  Trainers Melinda and Erin brought him to my house so they could see how he walks with me. There was a break in the pavement with a tree root coming through, and Timmy slowed down and stopped to let me know we needed to go around it.”

What made you decide to apply for a guide dog from Guiding Eyes?  “When I was interested in getting my first guide dog, I did the research and checked out several schools.  I decided on Guiding Eyes, and I’m so glad I did.  It is a wonderful school.  Beginning with my first guide, I wanted to give back and raise money for Guiding Eyes, so I did the Wagathon and local walks – a total of 64 miles over the years to raise and donate money to help out.”

How has a guide dog impacted your life? “Having my guide dogs has made me feel safer and more independent.  It gives me the ability to go where I like to go, whether to the mall, or lunch with friends, or for walks with my grandson. I’ve been to a couple of readers’ weekends sponsored by my favorite author, Marie Force.  I’ve been to these weekends on Block Island in Rhode Island and to Washington DC, where we visited the Lincoln Memorial and the Reflection Pool. My Guiding Eyes dog at the time went with me on this adventure, where about 200 attended, and there was dancing, dining, and visiting with others who enjoy her books.”

Were there any training highlights?  “Dan has been my trainer with each of my dogs, and he’s a wonderful person.  We took a train ride to Beacon and walked around the town this time, and it was a good trip.  Our class enjoyed lunch in a Yorktown restaurant, and Timothy was amazing, just lying quietly under the table.  At the Training School, the food is great, and the accommodations for the students are wonderful.  For my birthday, Nurse Stephanie got me a birthday cake, and Timmy’s puppy raisers got me flowers.  It was very special. It warmed my heart, and my birthday wish was for donations to Guiding Eyes. My husband, a friend, and I contributed to the wish request.  The other Stephanie, the Placement Manager who works with the trainers, is very nice.  The whole school is wonderful.  The staff are amazing, and the vets and trainers are awesome.  You couldn’t ask for a better school. They are all so pleasant and friendly.” 

Meet Guide Dog Timothy

DOB:  8/3/2022
Litter ID: 4TT22
Color/Breed:  Black/Labrador Retriever
Gender: Male
Brood: Winter
Stud: Dover
Littermates: Tina, Tory, Tanya, Tremaine, Trinket, Trixie, Tammy
Region:  Dutchess NY, Northern NJ
Regional Puppy Instructor: Elizabeth Vacchiano
Puppy Raiser:  The Brandi Vanasco Family, Mackenzie, Isabella, & Amber Rivier
Facebook: Dutchess Puppy Raisers
Facebook: Northern New Jersey Puppy Raisers

From the Puppy Raiser…

Timothy was my very 1st puppy raised for guiding eyes. He tought me patience and confidence within myself. Timothy quickly bonded with my family, both human and fur children. He learned super fast and I am grateful that I was able to be apart of his 1st half of puppy raising. When his temporary raisers who took over for me while I was unable to asked to finish out his training, I knew he had stolen there hearts as he did mine and happily agreed. Good work Timothy, I am super proud of how far you have come. Congratulations on Graduation!  Brandi Vanasco

Photos of the Team…