
Lindsay and Eve

Meet Graduate Lindsay

Lindsay sits with black lab guide dog Eve for team portraitGraduate Team: Lindsay and Eve
About the Team: Eve, a female black Lab, is Lindsay’s 1st guide dog
Location: Paramount, California
Training: July 2023 On-Campus

Lindsay is studying to earn her masters and credentials from San Francisco State University in special education, with a concentration in blind and low vision students. While pursuing these dual certifications, she’s working part-time at her alma mater, California State Long Beach, as an accessibility consultant for blind and low vision students. Lindsay is an active member of the National Federation of the Blind, where she’s involved in various capacities and recently attended a convention in Houston. Not only is she involved with their local guide dog division, but Lindsay also does volunteer work with their student division in California, known as the California Association of Blind Students, as well as the California Association of Guide Dog users. Lindsay is an avid traveler, often visiting Disneyland, and will be going to Utah in September 2023 to celebrate her brother’s marriage. She enjoys reading and watching Grey’s Anatomy, and lives with her parents, sister, and their 11-year-old dog Cocoa.

How would you describe your guide dog?  “She likes people, which my co-workers have noticed, and they tell me how friendly she is. Sometimes I remind her that she’s working because she enjoys seeing our students when they are sitting on benches nearby.”

What made you decide to apply for a guide dog from Guiding Eyes?  “One of the February 2022 Guiding Eyes grads did her graduate school program at Cal State Long Beach when I was finishing up my undergrad. We were in the College of Education together and I mentioned that I had low vision. She asked how I navigate campus, and wondered about my use of my cane. I kept having vehicle encounters on campus that weren’t fun and she told me she thought I needed to talk to a Guiding Eyes rep, because I might want to apply for a guide dog. I didn’t think that was for me because I’d applied somewhere else years ago and it didn’t go well. I never saw this as a possibility. It took her a year and a half to get me to talk to them and another six months to apply, but Guiding Eyes has been a 180 in the right direction.”

How has having a guide dog impacted your life? “I don’t have to trip over cracks anymore and I don’t have to look at my feet, which is wonderful. There are no more issues with vehicles like golf carts, scooters, or skateboards either, because students on campus use them in the wrong areas. Those scooters come out of nowhere too and they make no noise.”

Were there any training highlights? “Our day in New York City was enlightening. As someone who lives outside Los Angeles and goes there quite a bit, I knew I’d have no problem going through Union Station in downtown L.A. after being able to navigate through New York City. That particular station is large, but it’s nowhere near the size of Grand Central Station. Even when my friend from Guiding Eyes and I went to Disneyland,  we had no problem getting through the crowds of people and were fine.”

Meet Guide Dog Eve

DOB:  3/27/2021
Litter ID: 7E21
Color/Breed:  Black/Labrador
Gender: Female
Brood: Quail
Stud: Elrod
Littermates: Effie, Eden, Epcot, Enya, Edison
Region:  Northern CT
Regional Puppy Instructor: Maureen Hollis
Puppy Raiser:  Patricia A. Curcio
Facebook: Northern CT Puppy Raisers

From the Puppy Raiser…

Eve is a sweet, gentle pup!  She loves going for walks and exploring new locations.  She enjoys getting her belly rubbed and playing with her toys.  She is a real people pleaser and loved getting hugs from my three year old granddaughter! I look forward to seeing her at graduation!  ~Patty Curcio, Puppy Raiser

Photos of the Team…