
You named our “F” puppies!


We’re thrilled to introduce the newest members of the Guiding Eyes family! The fabulous “F” litter! 

The names of the three males are Flash, Fiyero, Frodo; the four females are Fancy, Feta, Fiesta, and Fantasia.

Thank you to everyone who sent in their suggestions and helped name Tina’s seven Labrador puppies.



Our Guiding Eyes family is growing!

2 puppiesWe plan to welcome our newest litter of pups any day now at our Whelping Kennel in Patterson, New York – and we need your help to name them! For this litter, each of our puppies will have a name beginning with “F.”

We are often asked how we pick the names of our dogs. When a new litter of Guiding Eyes puppies is born, they are assigned a letter. All names in a single litter begin with that same letter. We rotate through the alphabet with each new litter.

Before we know it, these puppies will be making a profound difference in someone’s life as their Guiding Eyes guide dog. But there’s still a long journey of growing and learning ahead. And no puppy can begin that journey without a name!

Suggest your favorite “F” names by Nov. 22, and we’ll let you know the winners as soon as we’ve chosen them.